COVID-19 Resources

As we are all closely monitoring the developments regarding COVID-19, below are resources which may be helpful to review and assist you further during this time. This page will update frequently so check back often.

Case Tracking

Teleworking Resources

  • VA National Teleconferencing System – only while on VA systems. To call to schedule, VANTS VIDEO/AUDIO Scheduling: 3042627600.
  • To schedule VA Video Connect Meetings (while logged into Vista), use the Care Manager. By using a fake patient (i.e. zzztest, patient) you can schedule a video conference under that fake patient that staff can utilize (up to 30 people) from any web-enabled computer or smart device.
  • Secure Message Your Patients. Don’t forget – by click on their name in the demographics tab, you often can get cell phone, home phone, and emails.
  • Be Prepared – Be Ready – These are things that VA employees can do to prepare to work remotely.

Links from Professional Organizations

Training Materials Available

Quick Reference Topics

Some Home-Brewed Tricks

MAC Anesthesia

Do not connect the nasal cannula or similar device to the CO2 analyzer to minimize contamination. Alternative: Precordial stethoscope.

Scholarly Articles

Google scholar has reputable organization links at the bottom of the search bar

A rampage through the body – Science Magazine

RSS feed (news sources from all over)